The garden is a lot of work!

We have a busy period starting: daughter starting her GCSEs tomorrow, off to Korea at the end of July (which is paid for, she just needs spending money) and we are still waiting to hear when we can bring our rescue dog home. I have been working for three months and it’s got the potential to be an interesting project. I just hope other things don’t impact me too much.


I’ve seen lots of ‘doing’ things needing attacked. The weeds are a constant target: I will be clearing dandelions, couch grass and mares tail ad infinitum. The temperature was rising today and it seems hopeful that we might start seeing summer weather soon.

But I’ve been out this evening while S cut some of the grass. Not all of it. It’s is all needing cut but an area of grass seems to be being left long. I know the rescue dog liked eating it but we can’t leave it all long: I said no to No Mow May remember? It’s too risky in a garden which encourages weeds.

Allium starting to flower!

I pulled out lots and lots of sticky willy which as you can imagine is the weeds that attach themselves to your clothes. We have played games with the stuff since I was tiny! The dandelions turning to clocks are plentiful, so those have been thrown into the green bin with wild geraniums which stink!


There are alliums all over about to flower and camassias and the start of lots of acquilegia of pink and purple. I love, love, love May colours!

Camassias are a new favourite and I saw them highlighted on Friday on Gardeners World. I’ve chosen to add blue ones and they are everywhere. I’ve planted lots of peonies which are budding now too. Can’t wait to see them!


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