After the Op…

I think my daughter coped with her operation very well. I on the other hand should have insisted that my husband took the responsible adult role. The staff nurse who spoke to him afterwards was clear that it’s his role for the foreseeable.

I was taken to see her after the operation and her woozy eye rolling and very visible scar took me by surprise and I started to react in ways that took their care from her. To say that sick bowls were utilised and I needed a change of clothes is enough for you to imagine what transpired. I feel horribly broken that I took nurses away from patients who needed care but I have to accept that I have an anxiety response which is unlikely to change. Visiting hospitals should be done on an empty stomach for sure.

My college where I work has sent students home so no exams for the foreseeable and my oldest daughter’s school have asked her year to stay home using Show Me Your Homework to keep learning. My daughter is recovering on the sofa and my husband working from home so we wait to see if my little one gets to make us a full complement of isolationists. I had a very lazy morning so I went out to shoot some of the flowers attracting lots of bees in the garden.

Parrot tulip
Euphorbia growing through the grass…
I love the apple tree branches.
Budding mature trees…


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